Bharath Sevak Samaj

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Bharath Sevak Samaj is the National Development Agency sponsored by the Planning Commission, Government of India to ensure public co-operationfor implementing government plants. The main purpose behind the formulation of Bharat Sevak Samaj is to initiate a nation wide, non official and non political organization with the object of enabling individual citizens to contribute, in the form of an organized co-operative effort, to the implementation of the National Development Plan. The constitution and functioning of Bhart Sevak Samaj is approved unanimously by the Indian Parliament. Bharat Sevak Samaj is a mission and a movement. To succeed as such, it must win the adherence and support of a large and growing number of people in the country, that can come about only on the strengof a genuine understanding of the purpose and significance of the new organisation. To furnish an answer to the question: "Why Bhart Sevak Samaj"?, it shall restate the major assumption underlying the conception of the Samaj.

Our Courses

  • Air Conditioning Mechanic
  • Refrigeration Mechanic
  • Mobile Phone Technician
  • Electrical Wireman